Thursday, August 30, 2012

If only ...

What can I say. I'm a dreamer.
I'm sure she was joking around for this shot, yet raise your hand if you got a bit excited when you first saw it.

<raises hand>

Friday, August 17, 2012

Big Girl

Where do the years go!?

My little girl just became a teenager :(
On Monday she got braces on her teeth, and today we do orientation for Jr. High School.
She gets yearbook pics taken, receives her first Middle School schedule and is issued PE Clothes for the school year.

I am excited for her, yet sad for me. Whaaa.
Go get 'em, girl!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The NFL is here!


I love baseball, and we follow the Giants closely.
But I am a FOOTBALL fan, and 49ers Season gets me fired up like nothing else.
I think much of the appeal is that games are played only once a week, so you have all those days building up to the game each Sunday.

Should be a very exciting football season for Niner Fans!
Let's add one more to the case.


Whoa, I have a blog?
This could be scary.

Ya' know what's even better than a blog though?


We love grabbing a deck of cards or a board game and watching Shark Week in HD.
What's the deal with only a week? Still waiting for the Shark Channel...